Thursday, March 20, 2008


I had two “Already?” moments today.

First, Ryan’s soccer season started today. I know! Already?! It’s still only in the 40s for daytime highs, and we got a skiff of snow last night! Luckily, we had the “early” game from 5:00 to 6:00. So with the sun still up, at least we hadn’t yet dipped into the sub-zero temperatures. And it didn’t snow, which is always good. (Yes, it has before. Yes, they keep playing.)

Ryan is a great little soccer player. He was only inches away from scoring a goal…twice! Everyone kept saying that the score was 3 to 0, but ALMOST 5 to 0! He had a third attempt that was only a couple of feet away. He came so close so many times! (He is #1 and has the red cleats in the pictures.)

As soon as Ry’s soccer game ended at 6:00, we ate a quick, not-very-healthy dinner in the car, and headed for our church (on the opposite side of town). One of us changed clothes in the car, the other changed in the church bathroom. I’ll let you guess which was which.

Pack meeting was at 6:30. You all know that I am the Wolf den leader in cub scouts. For two years now, we have often rushed from Ryan’s soccer games to pack meeting. But before now, Ryan was able to just stay in his soccer uniform and hide in the back of the room during pack meeting. Not today. This was my second “Already?” moment of the day. My little bub was officially welcomed into cub scouts, and I was the one that got to do it! Since he has been attending den meetings and pack meetings with me for over two years, it was probably more of a “Finally!” moment for him. He FINALLY gets to actually receive the awards for the things he is doing. But for me, it’s hard to believe that my baby is already a cub scout. I guess that’s a fairly common mom sentiment as kids grow up.
I also realized today that maybe I don’t dislike winter as much as I thought. Wintertime for our family means quiet, relaxing weeknights at home (for the most part), dinner at home, homework done, and the little person in our house in bed on time. As much as I love it when Spring finally arrives, it also means a return to our considerably more hectic lifestyle.

On that note, I’ve got to end. MY homework calls.

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