Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap Day

I’ve been told that when you have a “leap day,” you should use it wisely. The suggestion is often made that you do things that you wouldn’t normally do, since February 29 only happens once every four years. (Apparently, traditionally women also propose to men on leap day. I didn’t include that in my day.)

I actually did something today that has happened even less than every four years. I saw a good friend that I haven’t seen in person for a very long time. Angela and I were roommates and best friends at BYU for three years. Looking through my photo albums from those three years, almost every picture that I’m in, Angela is in. Here is one of my favorite pictures. This was taken October 17, 1987. Yes, you read that right…20 years ago! Our roommate, Nannette, is on the left, me in the middle, Angela on the right.
Angela came for the wedding of her youngest sister – the sister that was BORN when we were roommates! That’s hard to believe. Angela and her family live in Maryland. Her husband, son, and daughter all came for the wedding, but then her husband and daughter went back home. Angela and her son have stayed a little longer to visit with family and friends. Ryan and I were able to have dinner and spend some time visiting with Angela and her son, Dalton, tonight. Although we e-mail, exchange Christmas letters, and now stay up-to-date with each other’s blogs, there is just nothing like being together in person. It almost felt like nothing had changed. Well, except that we had a 2 ½ year old and an almost-8-year-old year old contributing to the conversation.
Thanks for a great evening, Ang! I love you!


Sydni said...

Holy cow that picture of your college days is too crazy!!! Amazing what 20 years will do!!! All good of course!

It took me a minute to realize that was a college picture, I was thinking to myself, Man she looks good!!!! Not Fair!!! LOL!

Melanie said...

Hey, one would ever believe that you have a kid that is driving!!! You certainly don't look 3 months older than me! ;) Maybe one of these days I'll post an old high school one just for you!