Friday and Saturday we worked preparing our home and yard for Ryan’s open house. Of course, since there is never a dull moment at our house, we had a few unexpected surprises.
You all know that we chopped down three trees a few weeks ago. Well, the person who could grind out the stumps for us was able to come Saturday morning. So, as we were trying to clean up the yard for Ryan’s open house, we had stump grinding going on. It was an absolute mess all over the driveway and the front yard. A special thanks to my dad for quickly getting it all cleaned up before the party. Ryan was fascinated by the machine and took this picture.

Oh, I almost forgot. When I went to get the mail on Friday, wasps had started building a nest INSIDE my mailbox. The postal carrier had apparently been so alarmed that he/she just threw the mail in and left the mailbox door open. So I sent Ry as far away as possible and batted the nest out of the mailbox with a rake. I know – you’re all wishing that a neighbor had a hidden camera going for that one. There’s no video footage that I’m aware of. (There isn’t any, right Melissa?)
Ryan’s open house on Saturday afternoon was a lot of fun. We invited about 100 of our closest friends and family to help us celebrate Ryan’s baptism. Thank you so much to all of you who were able to join us! It was fun visiting with you. We missed those of you who weren’t able to come. The weather was beautiful (not like the 40 degrees and pelting hail yesterday), so we were able to have it in the back yard. We had a Hawaiian theme for the party. We put up several tables with light blue tablecloths, and decorated the tables with bamboo plants, sea shells in vases, and framed pictures from our trip. It looked beautiful. Here is a picture of Ry and me before the party started.

I didn’t take any pictures since I was making the rounds as the hostess. But my mom took this one of Aunt Jean, Uncle Ted, Ryan, Uncle Randy, Aunt Dott, and Nate. We hadn’t been together since Christmas, so it was fun sitting around a table and chatting with them for a while. Thanks for coming!!!

We had family dinner at my parents’ house for Mother’s Day. Ryan wanted to make a Mother’s Day card for Frances, so we printed the pictures of the babies and he made a card with the pictures, saying how excited he is about his new cousins. It was really cute. We had a great dinner, and had a lot of fun sitting around the table talking. Marc is feeling better, and spent a lot of time outside with Ryan playing rugby. (In the media kit that Excel sent out for “Forever Strong,” they included rugby balls. Marc brought one to Ryan. He should have known that would require him to play with it for hours!)
Since this is my Mother’s Day write-up (a couple of days late), I want to make sure that I let my mom know how much I love her. She has always been such a great example to me of unconditional love and of thinking of others before herself. I try every day of my life to be more like her, although most days I don’t even come close. She has been such an amazing support to me throughout my life, especially the past six years. I don’t know what Ryan and I would do without her. She does something to help us every single day, and I want her to know how much I appreciate her selflessness and service to us. I love you, Mom! (I love this picture of my mom. I took it while she was giving her “Holy Ghost” talk at Ryan’s baptism.)

“What does it mean to me to be a mother?”
It means that I will never think of myself first in any decision again
and yet oddly enough,
I don’t resent it, it simply is.
I will never view the world quite the same,
forevermore I will not see it from my place in it,
but from the perspective of how it affects my children.
Little injustices that may not have affected me
suddenly have magnitude when I apply them to the next generation
of which my offspring are a part.
-- Kindra Fehr, Catalyst Magazine, May 2008
1 comment:
I didn't get any video/photos of you guys attacking the mailbox...although I _was_ trying to figure out what kind of mail you had in there.
Thanks for inviting us to the party! We couldn't get Jonah to go give Ryan a hug and when Justin said, "Congratulations, Ryan!" Ryan was playing ball and said, "Yeah!" and went on playing. Kids... :)
We saw Darlene today and she said she looked at your blog and was thrilled to read about Marc's news! Oh and when you were gone and I borrowed your garbage can, I noticed your mailbox didn't want to stay shut because the elastic was broken. I'm sure you have that fixed by now! :)
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