Saturday, August 4 was one of those days that you can just hardly believe. We went from a spiritual and emotional high to a very, very low point in a matter of hours. One of my little Cub Scouts was baptized at 8:00 am. He lives with his single mom - she is a member, but has been inactive for years. He is 9 years old, so the missionaries have been working with him. Ryan and I usually take him to church with us. It was a wonderful baptism. The family is Polynesian, and they had a big support from extended family members. A couple of them sang - it was beautiful. It was a "spiritual high" to start out the day.
After lunch, Ryan went to play with one of his friends down the street. A couple of hours later, he came running in the door screaming. I was downstairs with both the washer and dryer running, so I hadn't heard any commotion. A fire engine, an ambulance, a paramedic vehicle, and two police cars were at the Chase’s house. (Jane died on January 8, and Phil died on July 9.) I ran out to see what was happening. Steve, who is 27 days older than me, was taken out on a stretcher with about 6 paramedics around him, and one on the stretcher over him doing chest compressions. Several of our neighbors were watching what was happening, and everyone was asking how to get in touch with Kevin and Wendy. I have stayed in touch with both of them, so I had the very unfortunate responsibility of calling them to let them know what was happening with Steve. Kevin was actually in Roosevelt at Wendy’s house instead of at home in L.A. They hopped in the car and started driving to get here. Steve passed away due to an acute asthma attack. Ryan and I cried together when we heard that Steve had passed away. Ryan has gotten to know Steve very well, spending so much time at the Chase’s home over the years. It was very difficult for him to experience another death in a family that we are so close to. Steve and I have been great buddies since we were four years old. I have a picture of us on our front porch getting ready to go to Kindergarten. I'll try to find it to post it. Even though our lives took drastically different paths, it never seemed to matter when we saw each other. We always had plenty to talk about. I will miss him as my "tree man" and as my friend.
Wendy has a son, Carter, who is just a couple of months younger than Ryan. They are so much alike, and are such great buddies. We had Carter stay with us for most of the week while Wendy, Kevin, and Karl worked out Steve’s service and other necessary details. Carter even slept over at our house for a few nights – something that Ryan was very excited about, since I had previously told him we would not have sleepovers until he was twelve. This was obviously very different. Ryan and Carter had a great time together playing football and doing Lord Voldemort impressions.

Every summer, Bountiful hosts "Summerfest" - dancers and artists come from all over the world to attend. They set up booths at the main city park, and the countries make and sell their crafts and food, and they also perform their dances on the big stage at the park. Wednesday night is always a street dance. The dancers from different countries come in their costumes and the public can either watch or join in the dancing. Poland was one of the countries that came this year, and my mom's maternal line is from Poland. We learned all the dances with them. It was a lot of fun. Ryan wanted to dance, but Carter didn't. So he and my dad stood on the side and watched while the rest of us danced.
Friday we went to the park for the Summerfest booths and dancing. They always have a kids' art yard where the kids can learn different arts & crafts projects from different countries. Carter and Ryan had a great time making petroglyphs and worry dolls, getting their faces painted, and all kinds of other fun things.

Carter's parents and two older siblings left Saturday afternoon to go home. But "Uncle Kevin" was taking Carter and his sister, Mallory, to California with him later in the week. When we got home from the reunion on Saturday, Kevin asked if he could take Ryan and Carter and Mallory and Mallory’s friend, Jessica (Chris Peters’ daughter), to dinner and a movie. They were all going to go see “Hairspray,” but apparently at the last minute, the boys decided that they’d rather see something else. Kevin, if you’re reading this, the story would have been SO much funnier had you taken them all to “Hairspray”! ;)
Ryan and I do “Friday Field Trips” every summer. Since I have usually put in at least a 40 hour work week by Friday, I take Friday afternoons off during the summer for us to go do fun things together. Friday, August 17, Rara and Papa joined us for a trip to the zoo. On our way into town, we stopped at Caputo’s Deli in downtown SLC to get cannoli - it has become a tradition whenever we're anywhere near the place. The zoo was hosting “The Ghost of the Bayou,” a white alligator. We had a great time at the zoo, and Ryan even got a cool shirt and stuffed white alligator with his allowance. When we left the zoo, we drove up Emigration Canyon for dinner at Ruth’s Diner. Yum!

We were at the UMFA until it closed at 5:00, and then we stopped at Caputo's deli in downtown SLC to get cannoli. The owner, Tony Caputo, was out in the front part of the deli chatting with customers. We told him that we come in on Fridays for cannoli – that we had fallen in love with it in Italy, and stopped in there as often as we could. He thought that was great, and we enjoyed talking with him about Italy. As we were walking to the car, Ryan kept saying, "THAT was Tony Caputo? That was TONY CAPUTO? I met Tony Caputo?" It was hilarious - he was totally star struck. That night, Ryan's school had an outdoor movie. We all sat on blankets on the lawn and they showed "Cars" on a big sheet on the side of the school. It was a lot of fun.
Wednesday, August 29, Ryan started second grade at Muir Elementary. Since this is his first year at Muir, I parked the car and went up to the school with him to find his teacher. He spotted a lot of friends from Rara’s and Papa’s neighborhood, including two that he has played with often. They are even in his class! His teacher, Mrs. Noyce, seems like she will be great. I stayed through the Star Spangled Banner and the school song, and then I left him to enjoy his day.
Wednesday, August 29, Ryan started second grade at Muir Elementary. Since this is his first year at Muir, I parked the car and went up to the school with him to find his teacher. He spotted a lot of friends from Rara’s and Papa’s neighborhood, including two that he has played with often. They are even in his class! His teacher, Mrs. Noyce, seems like she will be great. I stayed through the Star Spangled Banner and the school song, and then I left him to enjoy his day.

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