Monday, May 30, 2011

We interrupt this chronological catch-up…

I've been trying to get caught up on the events of the last month with chronological entries. But I need to post that I PASSED MY COMPREHENSIVE EXAMS!!! I found out today - Memorial Day!

When I hadn't heard by Friday afternoon, I figured that I'd have to wait until tomorrow to hear. I decided to go ahead and check (since I have been checking morning, noon, and night since the first day I could have received the results), and the official email was there!

In our group conference call before we all started writing, our comps mentor told us that out of every quarter's group of 12 -14 students doing comps, about 3 usually pass outright, with no revisions; about 3 usually fail, even after revisions, and have to completely rewrite the comps with new questions; the rest usually have to make revisions to at least one of the questions. I told her in our one-on-one that my goal was to be one of the 3-ish that passed outright, with no revisions.

Most of my friends in the program have had to make revisions. There is a group of us that have been together since our first residency. ALL of them have had to make revisions. That has kind of worried me, since I know we are pretty similar in our learning styles and abilities.

I decided to be positive and confident after I submitted my comps. My kitchen counter had been piled high with books and articles through the 4 weeks of the comps. I was tired of looking at them. I told myself that I would not need to make any revisions, and put them all away. :)

As I was reporting to Mom & Dad earlier today, I joked about how I passed partially due to my positive thinking. Ryan chimed in, "No, it wasn't because of your positive's because you are totally BRILLIANT!" Isn't he good?

It's also because of the daily prayers of my family, and the wonderful support of my family and friends. If you're reading this, you're probably someone who has supported me in some way. Thank you!

Now, on to the dissertation!!!

And back to the chronological catch-up!

1 comment:

ME Moon said...

you ARE totally brilliant! and deserving of such a reward after all your hard work. :)