A couple of weeks ago, Rick and I went to the Clark Planetarium for a 3-D film. We saw posters for another 3-D show about the space station, and thought that would be a really cool one to see. We also knew that Ryan would love it. When Ryan and I were at the “Super Reader” party last Saturday, the Clark Planetarium booth had posters advertising it, too. The three of us made plans to see it last Saturday (January 19).
Rick picked us up and we went in to the Gateway. We got our tickets, and then were able to walk around the planetarium for a while before the show started. The show was amazing! It was all taken in, on, and around the space station, so when the astronauts did space walks, it was like we were doing it right along with them. There was one part when a rocket was blasting off, and debris and rocks came flying, that Ryan kind of hunched down in his seat and held his hands up to block his face. It freaked him out for a few seconds, but then he laughed it off. It was hilarious watching him reaching for things that were floating around, seemingly right in front of us. It was a very cool show.
We had lunch at Costa Vida in the Gateway, and then drove out to Antelope Island - Rick’s great suggestion. Rick loves photography, particularly anything in the outdoors. Ryan also enjoys taking pictures of cool things, usually from very unique angles. We thought it would be fun to go exploring a little bit out there, seeing what interesting things we could photograph.
We started at the Visitor’s Center, where we also got the Junior Ranger book for Ryan to work through. We did most of the activities in the book there in the Visitor’s Center. Ryan enjoyed watching all of the birds (Rick taught him the names of each one they saw) and a little jackrabbit.

There were a couple of activities that we needed to do out on the island, so we took off down the hill. We saw two buffalo – one was scratching his head on a rock. Ryan thought that was pretty funny, so Rick pulled over so Ryan could take a couple of pictures.

We had seen a larger herd of buffalo further south on the island, so we drove over to check them out. The late-afternoon sun was shining on the Wasatch Mountains to the east, and it was beautiful! Ryan immediately wanted to hop out and start taking pictures. Rick put his camera together and went out with Ryan. It was fun watching them both trudging through the snow, kneeling down right in the snow for good shots. I had a great time sitting in the warm car watching both of them. (Ryan apparently enjoys taking pictures at a 45-degree angle. Yes, he did that on purpose. He took 38 pictures during the day. I have chosen my four favorites.)

We started driving to the ranch, but then realized that if we did, we wouldn’t make it back to the Visitor’s Center before it closed. After all of Ryan’s hard work, we needed to make it back for him to be “sworn in” as a Junior Ranger, and to get his pin. When we got to the Visitor’s Center, they were literally locking the doors. The main ranger looked through Ryan’s book, and then asked him some questions about some of the things in the book. Then he had Ryan read the Junior Ranger pledge and sign his name below it, and then gave him his pin. Ryan was so proud!
We wore Ryan out. He fell asleep on the way home.
In church on Sunday, Ryan drew a picture of himself and Rick taking pictures of the buffalo herd. I have scanned it, and will post it within the next couple of days. The original is on its way to Rick, and I want him to see it first before he sees the scanned version here.
Ok, here it is...

Thanks for the great day, Rick! It was wonderful! I’m going to have to say that it was MY best day so far this year, too!
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