We saw a couple of friends at the movie. As we talked about it after, one said, “Doesn’t it make you want to go out and do something nice for someone else?”
The past few years, Ryan and I have taken food to the Bountiful Food pantry. Last year, as we were walking in with our food, several young families with kids Ryan’s age were walking out with food. It helped Ryan see that REAL people and REAL kids benefit from what we were doing. However, there are a couple of families in our own neighborhood who are greatly in need. Several weeks ago, Ryan and I talked about the possibility of anonymously delivering food to these families. We had tithing settlement with our bishop on Sunday (for those of you who don’t know – that is when we talk with our bishop about our financial donations throughout the year), and I mentioned our idea to him, including the families we were considering. He said that one family had received some church help, but not much, and the other family had declined help from the church. He thought it would be great if we wanted to deliver food to each of them.
So, Wednesday night, after the inspiring movie, Ryan and I (with Papa as our “getaway” driver so our car wouldn’t be recognized) delivered very large boxes of food to these families. When we got home, we talked about the characters in the movie, and how poor they were. We talked about the single mom, and the choices she made in her life that led her to that point with her children. We talked about some of the choices of some of the “friends” in the movie, and how it affected the rest of their lives. We talked about how blessed we are, and the importance of “paying it forward.” Ryan always tells me how happy he feels when we do things for others. Me, too!
Thanksgiving Day was a lot of fun. We all met at Rara & Papa’s and had dinner there. Here is Frances’ picture of all of us at the table.

I am so thankful for my family. I am thankful for the sacrifices they have made for me over the years. Most of all, I am thankful for their love and support, through sad and difficult times as well as through happy times.
On “Black Friday,” I did most of my shopping online. I got some great deals on things, without getting up at horrendous hours of the morning or fighting crazy crowds. I LOVE the Internet! I got $130 worth of boots & shoes at Famous Footwear for $56, and over $200 of stuff at The Children’s Place for $42! Between a “woot off” at woot.com a couple of weeks ago, and my Black Friday shopping, I think I’m just about done!
I did venture out to Radio Shack. They had a FREE BlackBerry Curve with a T-Mobile service extension in their ad. I actually looked online to see if I could do it there, and I would have been able to, but they didn’t have my current service plan listed. Everything else was about $15-$20 more a month, so I decided it would be worth it to go in. I was able to extend my plan and get this lovely phone FREE!
I was even able to pick something up for Marc & Frances that they wanted. And this was all at about 11:00 am with NO crowds!
Friday, Marc & Frances and Ryan & I also went to see “The Fantastic Mr. Fox” together at Jordan Commons. Alice & Claire stayed with Rara & Papa while we went to the movie. Ryan & I decided that we liked “The Blind Side” more than “The Fantastic Mr. Fox,” but the stop-motion animation was wonderful, and there really were some hilarious parts (perhaps more for adults than for kids). It was fun to hang out with Marc & Frances a little bit more, too.
On “Black Friday,” I did most of my shopping online. I got some great deals on things, without getting up at horrendous hours of the morning or fighting crazy crowds. I LOVE the Internet! I got $130 worth of boots & shoes at Famous Footwear for $56, and over $200 of stuff at The Children’s Place for $42! Between a “woot off” at woot.com a couple of weeks ago, and my Black Friday shopping, I think I’m just about done!
I did venture out to Radio Shack. They had a FREE BlackBerry Curve with a T-Mobile service extension in their ad. I actually looked online to see if I could do it there, and I would have been able to, but they didn’t have my current service plan listed. Everything else was about $15-$20 more a month, so I decided it would be worth it to go in. I was able to extend my plan and get this lovely phone FREE!

Friday, Marc & Frances and Ryan & I also went to see “The Fantastic Mr. Fox” together at Jordan Commons. Alice & Claire stayed with Rara & Papa while we went to the movie. Ryan & I decided that we liked “The Blind Side” more than “The Fantastic Mr. Fox,” but the stop-motion animation was wonderful, and there really were some hilarious parts (perhaps more for adults than for kids). It was fun to hang out with Marc & Frances a little bit more, too.
I'm thankful that I was able to spend so much time the past few days with my great family! We always have a lot of fun together!
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