On Saturday, December 27, Rara & Aunt Dott had their annual “Gingerbread Trains with the Grandmas” event. Ryan, Abi, Josh, Aidan, and Gage had a great time creating (and eating) their trains.

That night, we were able to go out to dinner with the Randalls and the Cunninghams, who were in town from northern California. We don’t get to see them very often, and we always love spending time with them and getting caught up on things.

Sunday, December 28 was the annual Jensen family party. This particular event has been held every year for at least 41 years. How do I know that odd number? We have pictures of me as a baby attending. Throughout my growing-up years, it was held at Grandpa & Grandma Jensen’s house. Most of the years since they passed away, we have held it at the Strands’. It’s always fun to get caught up with aunts, uncles, and cousins, as well as the new additions to the family. For those of you who have been regular readers of this blog, yes, the piñata and “Must Be Santa” remained part of the festivities this year.
(Slideshow is coming. I keep getting error messages. In the meantime, view it
Monday, December 29 was Frances’ birthday. We got Chili’s take out and (at Frances’ request) white cupcakes, and spent the evening with them. Even though Chili’s forgot Frances’ meal, we had a great time together, and hope her birthday was a great one.
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