We had such a fun Christmas this year! It was our best Christmas since...well...since we spent Christmas at Disneyland two years ago.
Ryan actually slept in until about 7:45, and then called Rara and Papa to come over. We let him open his presents from Santa (MP3 player, Hulk Operation game, WALL*E DVD, etc.), and then asked him to wait for Marc and Frances and the girls to open the rest. Ryan and Papa had fun playing Hulk Operation while he waited.

When Marc & Frances and Alice & Claire got here, we all ate brunch (the selection included such traditional Polish items as potica, Kronski sausages, and sauerkraut, as well as eggnog french toast made with Polynesian sweet bread and served with coconut syrup). When we had all eaten (and pretty much worn through Ryan's patience), we all opened the rest of our presents. I gave Ryan Guitar Hero, which entertained all of us for most of the rest of the day.

I gave the girls VERY cute onesies with colorful ribbons and their names embroidered on them. I can hardly wait until they're big enough to fit into them!

Frances brought gingerbread dough that she had made, so we all enjoyed making and decorating gingerbread cookies, too.

It was so much fun to have everyone at our house! And having the girls join our family this year brought so much joy and happiness to our family! We had a wonderful Christmas, and hope those of you reading this did, too.
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