Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Challenges and Blessings

I really debated whether I should write this post. But since I print this blog every year for our family history, I wanted to include a few things to remind us of how many people love us, and how blessed we are, even among life’s challenges.

We had a rough month with many unexpected expenses, mostly related to the destructive wind storm on December 1. I had to spend the entire amount that I had in our “emergency fund” for the emergency! Our bishop and his counselors have been really concerned about us. I kept telling them that we’d be ok. I’ve been working on our food storage a little bit at a time, and I knew we’d have enough to get us to the mid-month paycheck, when I have a little more spending money in the budget.

On Tuesday, December 13, we were only home for about 90 minutes. We had just gotten home from swim team, dropped Ryan’s swim back and school backpack in the living room, and I was getting something quick for dinner while Ryan changed into his basketball clothes. The doorbell rang, and it was our bishop and one of his counselors. I think I’ve mentioned before how much we love our entire bishopric. All three are men that Ryan has had a great relationship with. They asked if they could come in and visit with us for a while. I noticed that the bishop had a Bishop’s Storehouse food order rolled up in his hand. As we visited with them, I mentioned that I recognized what he had in his hand, and that we really would be ok. We enjoyed our visit with them, and the visit reiterated how much they love us and care about us.

A few days later, I ended up having to get new brakes on the car (both front and back) in order for the car to pass inspection. That wiped out all of that extra money in the mid-month check.

On Tuesday, December 20, I was home for just a few minutes, and getting ready to go pick up Ryan at swim team. Our doorbell rang, and it was our bishop and the same counselor standing on our porch. They chuckled that it was them again. Then they handed me two small envelopes. I could tell that they were gift cards. Before I could say anything, the bishop told me that I couldn’t refuse them. They were from an “anonymous donor” and couldn’t be returned. Our ward has been doing a cash Sub-for-Santa, and it was mentioned that several of our own ward families needed help. I just didn’t think we’d be one of them!

It was difficult to accept the gift cards. They ended up to be a total of $150 at WalMart. I am the kind of Christmas shopper who buys gifts throughout the year. That also ended up to be positive for us this year. We used the gift cards to buy groceries over three different shopping trips.

I am so grateful for so many people who love us and watch out for us. Mom & Dad helped us as much as they were able, as they always do. But since they had storm damage themselves (they had to pay to have two trees removed, and also had roof damage), they were tight as well. I am grateful for our ward leaders who were in tune with our needs and followed through with helping us, even when I wasn’t willing to admit that we needed help. We will always do whatever we can to pay it forward.

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