Our WGU meetings were a little bit different this year. My group of close friends (The Southern Girls) have all gone different directions within WGU, so we no longer attend the same departmental and smaller group meetings together. Since some of those changes were made, I have become much closer to a few people who were my friends before, but have truly now become my close friends. I was so happy to be able to spend more time with them.
A few months ago, we were given a couple of challenges. My work team of about 15 people won the “graduation challenge.” We had the most students graduate among all of the teams. I was second-highest in my team, as well! We were told that we could choose wherever we wanted to go for dinner on our one free night (Wednesday), and WGU would pick up the tab. We chose to go to The Melting Pot. I have only been there once before due to the cost. It was wonderful! Yes, our bill for the 15 of us was almost as much as one of my paychecks! We were sure glad that we weren’t paying! It was a lot of fun to spend an informal evening with my work team and get to know them better. I have only been working with them for a few months, so I didn’t know many of them outside of work circumstances. It was a fun evening. (Photos courtesy of one of my co-workers.)

On Thursday night, we had the semi-annual President’s award dinner. I was one of a handful of employees honored for 5 years of service at WGU. I passed my 5 year point on November 15. My former boss and wonderful friend, Tom, was also honored for his 5 year anniversary. In previous years, a photographer has taken pictures of each honoree with President Bob Mendenhall, and then the entire “cohort” of employees celebrating the 5 year anniversary has a group picture taken. For reasons unknown, the pictures didn’t happen this year. So we took our own.

WGU now has a chapter of Kappa Delta Pi, the honor society for educators. Two of my good friends are the advisors, and invited me to join as one of the employee members. They had all of the supplies, paperwork, programs, decorations, etc. shipped to my house, so I think they felt obligated. :) Friday, February 19, was the chartering and initiation ceremony. One of my students (originally from Pakistan and now living in New York) was asked to be one of the officers, so she and her husband came to attend. It was fun to meet her in person!

Saturday, February 20, was graduation. For the first time in a long time, I didn’t have any students travel to attend graduation. But my student and her husband decided to stay and attend the graduation ceremony. Also, since no photographer was taking pictures of the 5-year-service honorees with President Bob Mendenhall on Thursday, I had a friend take a picture of us at graduation. Perhaps it was more fun to have us in our full academic regalia in the picture anyway.

It’s always an extremely week, but always a lot of fun to spend time with my good friends.
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