Friday, September 26, we had the opportunity to
go to the temple with my cousin and her family. They adopted a little boy who was born into a very tragic situation. He was taken away from his parents, and none of the extended relatives wanted him when they were given the opportunity to take him. My cousin, Misty, and her husband, Luke, have three kids, but they felt that little Gage was meant to be a part of their family.

We dropped Ryan off at the Strands’ house and went to the
Bountiful Temple. Marc and Frances were supposed to meet all of us there in the sealing waiting room at 5:30. When they weren’t there, we started to worry. At 6:00, they took all of us into the sealing room. It was such a wonderful experience to see that whole little family in white in the temple while Gage was sealed to them. Brother Mac Christensen (“Mr. Mac”) was the sealer, and was so touching and tender with everything he said. He told Misty and Luke how wonderful he thought it was that they were willing to take little Gage into their family, even knowing all of his challenges. He got a little choked up a few times, which made the rest of us a little bit weepy, too.
As we were leaving the temple, Marc and Frances came out of the main waiting room. They had misunderstood, and thought we were all going to be at the
Salt Lake Temple! We were just relieved that nothing more serious had happened.

We went back to Strands for dinner and visiting. Misty and Luke’s kids, Abby and Josh, LOVE Ryan. Isn’t it obvious from these pictures?

It was a very touching and tender experience, and we were happy to be invited to be a part of it.
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