Saturday, December 22, 2007

Motion Detector Mistletoe

Since I haven't been using this blog for personal reflections until now, I feel that I need to do a 2007 year in review with all of the highlights of the year. I'll be working on those posts in the next few days, since I have some time off of work. But I had to share a funny story now. I wrote this in an e-mail to my friend, Rick, and had to share it on the blog!

When we were grocery shopping a couple of weeks ago, Ryan spotted the packages of mistletoe by the cashier. He decided that we HAD to have a package. When we got home, he wanted to hang it in the doorway between our living room and kitchen, the most high-traffic doorway of the house. So we hung it up. We watched a movie that night, and at one point I got up and went into the kitchen. An alarm started beeping! He ran over to me and gave me a big hug and kiss. He had gotten a little motion-sensor spy alarm thing in a McDonald’s Happy Meal a while ago, and put it in the doorway so he’d know when I was under the mistletoe! I’m laughing just typing this. We've left the mistletoe up, but I have convinced him to remove the motion detector. After a few rounds of that annoying alarm, I would likely give hugs and kisses less freely!

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