Here are a few pictures of Copper on his first day at home…

Our nights have become progressively better this week. Last night we were only up three times, with minimal whining between. My longest stretch of sleep was three hours. I’m crossing my fingers for continuous improvement.
Ryan has been so good to get up early to help. All three mornings so far, Ryan has gotten up between 6:00 and 6:30. He takes Copper for a walk around the block, and then gives Copper his breakfast. Ryan has his breakfast while Copper has his, and then Ryan gets ready for the day. Once he’s ready for school, he takes Copper for one more walk around the block. Then Copper and I take Ryan to school. Copper whines when Ryan gets out of the car. It’s cute to see how much they have already become buddies in just three days. Ryan is a very good puppy owner!
I keep hearing a lot of different advice, and I’m trying it all. Hopefully this phase of sleepless-night-puppyhood doesn’t last very long! Again, it’s a good thing he’s so cute, and that he puts such a smile on my sweet Ryan’s face.